With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace-Songs Lyrics Chords

With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace
And Spake Not Either Bad Or Good,
Lest I Should Utter Sinful Thoughts
While Wicked Men Before Me Stood.

While I Was Dumb My Grief Was Stirred,
My Heart Grew Hot With Thought Suppressed;
The While I Mused The Fire Increased,
Then To The Lord I Made Request.

Make Me, O Lord, To Know My End,
Teach Me The Measure Of My Days,
That I May Know How Frail I Am
And Turn From Pride And Sinful Ways.

My Time Is Nothing In Thy Sight,
Behold, My Days Are But A Span;
Yea, Truly, At His Best Estate,
A Breath, A Fleeting Breath, Is Man.

Man’s Life Is Passed In Vain Desire
If Troubled Years Be Spent For Gain;
He Knows Not Whose His Wealth Shall Be,
And All His Toil Is But In Vain.

And Now, O Lord, What Wait I For?
I Have No Hope Except In Thee;
Let Not Ungodly Men Reproach,
From All Transgressions Set Me Free.

Because Thou Didst It I Was Dumb,
I Spoke No Word Of Rash Complaint;
Remove Thy Stroke Away From Me,
Beneath Thy Chastisement I Faint.

When Thou For His Iniquity
Rebukest And Correctest Man,
His Beauty Is Consumed Away;
How Weak His Strength, How Vain His Plan.

Lord, Hear My Prayer, Regard My Cry;
I Weep; Be Thou My Comforter.
I Am A Stranger Here Below,
A Pilgrim As My Fathers Were.

O Spare Me, Lord, Avert Thy Wrath,
Deal Gently With Me, I Implore,
That I May Yet Recover Strength
Ere I Go Hence And Be No More.


With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace title, With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace title, With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace title, With Firm Resolve I Held My Peace lyrics

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