Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness-Song Lyrics Chords

Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness,
Every Year, Every Year?
Undertoning All Our Gladness,
Every Year, Every Year?
Why At Fleeting Years So Fretful,
Of The Dead Past So Regretful,
Of The Living Now Forgetful,
Every Year, Every Year?

Is Not God In Wisdom Guiding
Every Year, Every Year?
Though To Us His Purpose Hiding,
Every Year, Every Year?
Joy There Is For Every Sorrow,
For Each Night A Bright Tomorrow,
From The Past Fresh Strength We Borrow,
Every Year, Every Year!

Faith And Hope Are Growing Stronger,
Every Year, Every Year.
As The Trodden Way Grows Longer,
Every Year, Every Year.
Left Behind The Paths Most Dreary,
Passed The Doubts That Vex And Weary,
Brighter Gleams The Sunshine Cheery,
Every Year, Every Year!

Fewer Cares And Lighter Burdens,
Every Year, Every Year.
Brighter Hopes And Truer Guerdons,
Every Year, Every Year.
Earthly Joys May Fade Forever,
Earthly Ties To Friends May Sever,
One There Is More Dear Than Ever,
Every Year, Every Year!

And The Father’s House Is Dearer,
Every Year, Every Year.
And Our Lost Ones Coming Nearer,
Every Year, Every Year.
Less Is There Below To Charm Us,
Less In Growing Old To Harm Us,
Less Do Unknown Days Alarm Us
Every Year, Every Year!

Let Us Cease Then Our Repining,
Every Year, Every Year.
And Believe The Love O’ershining,
Every Year, Every Year.
Nights Behind Us Now Forgetting,
Onward Press Without Regretting,
To The Morn That Knows No Setting,
Blest New Year! Blest New Year!


Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness title, Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness title, Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness title, Why This Doleful Wail Of Sadness lyrics.

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