Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow-Song Lyrics Chords

Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow Flow
When God Recalls His Own;
And Bids Them Leave A World Of Woe
For An Immortal Crown?

Is Not Even Death A Gain To Those
Whose Life To God Was Given?
Gladly To Earth Their Eyes They Close
To Open Them In Heaven.

Their Toils Are Past, Their Work Is Done,
And They Are Fully Blest;
They Fought The Fight, The Victory Won,
And Entered Into Rest.

Then Let Our Sorrows Cease To Flow;
God Has Recalled His Own;
But Let Our Hearts, In Every Woe,
Still Say, “Thy Will Be Done.”


Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow title, Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow title, Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow title, Why Should Our Tears In Sorrow lyrics.

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