Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind-Song Lyrics Chords

Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind,
Walking On Water, Healing The Blind?

Teaching The Word Like No Scholar Before,
They Sit At His Feet And Flock To His Door.
Who Is This Man Crouched On The Ground,
Writing In Dust A Message Unknown?

Watching Accusers Lay Down Their Stones
Forgiving The Woman Who Stands There Alone.
Who Is This Man Who Claims To Be Light
Piercing The Darkness Smashing The Night!

Calling His Friend From The Depths Of The Earth,
Who Is This Lord Of The Second Birth?
Time Only Knows What A Fool I Have Been
The Signs Were Right There But So Was My Sin.

Who Is This Man That I Should Believe.
Is He The Truth, Or Am I Deceived?
Who Is This Man Whose Teachings Offend?

Confronting The Rabbis Who Only Pretend
To Nod At His Words While Plotting To Kill The Lamb
They Will Lead To Calvary’s Hill.

Who Is This Man Kneeling To Pray?
He Talks To His Father In Intimate Ways.
All That He Does He Does For Above,
Out Of His Blood Flows Infinite Love.

Time Only Knows What A Fool I Have Been
The Signs Were Right There But So Was My Sin.
Who Is This Man That I Should Believe.
Is He The Truth, Or Am I Deceived?

Time Only Knows What A Fool I Have Been
The Signs Were Right There But So Was My Sin.
Who Is This Man That I Should Believe.
Is He The Truth, Or Am I Deceived?


Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind title, Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind title, Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind title, Who Is This Man Gentle And Kind lyrics.

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