What Shall I Render To The Lord-lyrics songs chords

What Shall I Render To The Lord
For All His Benefits To Me?
How Shall My Soul, By Grace Restored,
Give Worthy Thanks, O Lord, To Thee?

Salvation’s Cup Of Blessing Now
I Take, And Call Upon God’s Name;
Before His Saints I Pay My Vow
And Here My Gratitude Proclaim.

His Saints The Lord Delights To Save,
Their Death Is Precious In His Sight;
He Has Redeemed Me From The Grave,
And In His Service I Delight.

With Thankful Heart I Offer Now
My Gift, And Call Upon God’s Name;
Before His Saints I Pay My Vow
And Here My Gratitude Proclaim.

Within His House, The House Of Prayer,
I Dedicate Myself To God;
Let All His Saints His Grace Declare
And Join To Sound His Praise Abroad.


What Shall I Render To The Lord title, What Shall I Render To The Lord title, What Shall I Render To The Lord title, What Shall I Render To The Lord lyrics

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