O Bright Creator Of The Stars-song lyrics chords

O Bright Creator Of The Stars,
Of Faithful Men The Lasting Light,
Hear, Christ, Redeemer Of Us All,
The Prayers Of Each Planing Wight

Who Grieving That, By Force Of Death,
Destruction Did The World Betide,
From Languishing Thou Didst It Free,
The Guilty’s Cure Thou Didst Provide.

When Eventide Of The World Drew On,
As Bridegrooms From Their Chambers Go,
Thy Virgin Mother’s Worthy Womb
In Seemly Wise Thou Par Test Fro.

Unto Whose Mighty Strength And Power
The Knees Do Bow And Bend Of Ail,
Both In The Heaven And In The Earth,
As Ready Bound Unto Thy Call.

O Holy Lord, We Thee Beseech,
When Of The World Thou Shalt Be Judge,
To Save Us Then, And From The Dart
Of Our False Foe To Send Refuge.

Praise, Honour, Power And Glory Eke,
To God, The Father And The Son
And To The Holy Comforter,
From Age To Age Be Ever Done.


O Bright Creator Of The Stars title, O Bright Creator Of The Stars title, O Bright Creator Of The Stars title, O Bright Creator Of The Stars lyrics

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