How Blest Is He Who Never Consents-song lyrics chords

How Blest Is He Who Ne’er Consents
By Ill Advice To Walk;
Nor Stands In Sinners’ Ways, Nor Sits
Where Men Profanely Talk.

But Makes The Perfect Law Of God
His Study And Delight;
Devoutly Reads Therein By Day,
And Meditates By Night.

Like Some Fair Tree Which, Fed By Streams,
With Timely Fruit Doth Bend,
He Still Shall Flourish, And Success
All His Designs Attend.

Ungodly Men And Their Attempts
No Lasting Root Shall Find,
Untimely Withered, And Dispersed
Like Chaff Before The Wind.

Their Guilt Shall Strike The Wicked Dumb
Before Their Judge’s Face;
No Formal Hypocrite Shall Then
Among The Saints Have Place.

For God Approves The Just Man’s Ways,
To Happiness They Tend;
But Sinners And The Paths They Tread
Shall Both In Ruin End.


How Blest Is He Who Never Consents title,How Blest Is He Who Never Consents title,How Blest Is He Who Never Consents title,How Blest Is He Who Never Consents lyrics.

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