How Blessed Are You!-song lyrics chords

Blessed Mary, Beautiful Mother Of Jesus!

How Blessed You Are Virgin Mary!
The ‘Yes’ That You Offered For Us
Has Brought Forth The Son,
The Long-Promised One,
O Beautiful Mother Of Jesus.

How Holy You Are Virgin Mary!
Forever All Women Will Sing:
The Fruit Of Your Womb
Has Opened The Tomb
And Given Us Life Everlasting.

The Love You Possessed Virgin Mary,
Was Never To Keep Or Withhold.
You Gave It The Name,
That God Had Ordained
Exactly As Prophets Had Foretold.

The Sorrow You Bear Virgin Mary,
Is Wholly Because Of Our Sins.
We So Disobey
By Going Our Way,
And Blocking The Light Coming From Him.

The Mystery We Share Virgin Mary,
Unfolds As We Live Out Each Day.
The Joys We Await
Are Steps That We Take
To Faithfully Follow In His Way.


How Blessed Are You title,How Blessed Are You title,How Blessed Are You title,How Blessed Are You lyrics.

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