God Of The Past Accept Our Praise-Song Lyrics Chords

God Of The Past, Accept Our Praise
For Treasures Of Remembered Days,
Wherein This Grateful Church Can Trace
The Light And Comfort Of Thy Grace:
For Saints Whose Words Thy Flock Have Fed,
For Warriors Who Thy Host Have Led
To Battle With The Spirit’s Sword
For These Accept Our Praise, O Lord.

God Of The Present, Thee Alone
Our Savior And Our King We Own;
Grant Us With Open Eyes To See
How Rich In Love Thy Church May Be;
Touch Heart And Tongue With Heavenly Fire;
To Holier Service Now Inspire;
O Consecrate Anew, We Pray,
And Make Us One In Thee Today.

God Of The Future, In Whose Sight,
The Ages Are As Day And Night,
Make Thou Our Church A Light Indeed
For Coming Stress Of Doubt Or Need;
Feed With Thy Quickening Oil The Flame,
That We May Find A Place And A Name
In The Celestial Temple, When
Thou Rulest In The Hearts Of Men.

God Of Eternal Life, Whose Pow’r
Upholds Us In Our Little Hour,
Before Thee Centuries Come And Go,
As Fleet, As Frail As Winter Snow;
Draw Us This Day From Earth Aside,
To Learn The Things That Shall Abide;
Then Lead Us Back To Toil, That We
May Win Earth’s Kingdoms, Lord, For Thee.


God Of The Past Accept Our Praise title, God Of The Past Accept Our Praise title, God Of The Past Accept Our Praise title, God Of The Past Accept Our Praise lyrics.

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