Eternal One Thou Living God-Songs Lyrics Chords

Eternal One, Thou Living God,
Whom Changing Years Unchanged Reveal,
With Thee Their Way Our Fathers Trod;
The Hand They Held, In Ours We Feel.

The Same Our Trust, The Same Our Need,
In Sorrow’s Stress, In Duty’s Hour;
We Keep Their Faith, By Thee Decreed,
That Faith The Fount Of All Our Power.

We Bless Thee For The Growing Light;
The Advancing Thought, The Widening View,
The Larger Freedom, Clearer Sight,
Which From The Old Unfolds The New.

With Wider View, Come Loftier Goal;
With Fuller Light, More Good To See;
With Freedom, Truer Self Control,
With Knowledge, Deeper Reverence Be.

Anew We Pledge Ourselves To Thee,
To Follow Where Thy Truth Shall Lead;
Afloat Upon Its Boundless Sea.


Eternal One Thou Living God title, Eternal One Thou Living God title, Eternal One Thou Living God title, Eternal One Thou Living God lyrics.

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