Eternal Father Thou Hast Said-Songs Lyrics Chords

Eternal Father, Thou Hast Said
That Christ All Glory Shall Obtain;
That He Who Once A Sufferer Bled
Shall Over The World A Conqueror Reign.

We Wait Thy Triumph, Savior King,
Long Ages Have Prepared Thy Way;
Now All Abroad Thy Banner Fling,
Set Time’s Great Battle In Array.

Thy Hosts Are Mustered To The Field;
“The Cross! The Cross!” The Battle Call;
The Old Grim Towers Of Darkness Yield,
And Soon Shall Totter To Their Fall.

On Mountain Tops The Watch Fires Glow,
Where Scattered Wide The Watchmen Stand;
Voice Echoes Voice, And Onward Flow
The Joyous Shouts From Land To Land.

Oh, Fill The Church With Faith And Power!
Bid Her Long Nights Of Weeping Cease;
To Groaning Nations Haste The Hour
Of Life And Freedom, Light And Peace.

Come, Spirit, Make Thy Wonders Known,
Fulfill The Father’s High Decree;
Then Earth, The Might Of Hell Overthrown,
Shall Keep Her Last Great Jubilee.


Eternal Father Thou Hast Said title, Eternal Father Thou Hast Said title, Eternal Father Thou Hast Said title, Eternal Father Thou Hast Said lyrics.

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